Exposition Couleur en folie 2024 │ Festival of colors 2024 exhibition
L’exposition ‘’Couleur en folie " a offert aux visiteurs l’opportunité de découvrir le talent des artistes en art visuel de la région ainsi que leurs multiples disciplines.
Nous tenons à remercier sincèrement tous les artistes participants, visiteurs, bénévoles et de tout l'appui reçu de la ville Pincourt. |
The “Festival of color” exhibition offered visitors the opportunity to discover the talent of local visual artists and their many disciplines.
We would like to sincerely thank all the participating artists, visitors, volunteers and all the support received from the City of Pincourt. |
Voici les membres qui ont participé à l'exposition d'automne
Here are the members who participated in the fall exhibition
Here are the members who participated in the fall exhibition
Activités spéciales durant l'exposition
Special activities during the exhibition
''Coup de Coeur du Public''
"Audience favorite painting"
"Audience favorite painting"
Mme Jocelyne Ménard - "La chatte de la voisine"
Attribution d'une toile durant l'exposition
Attribution of a painting during the exhibition
Attribution of a painting during the exhibition
L'attribution de la toile de Mme Francine Gagné "Fabiola'' a été remise à Mr. Stéphane Théroux
The attribution of Mrs Francine Gagné ''Fabiola'' was given to Mr. Stéphane Théroux
The attribution of Mrs Francine Gagné ''Fabiola'' was given to Mr. Stéphane Théroux
Artistes et preneurs
Sold painting
Félicitations à nos artistes qui ont trouvé preneur pour leurs œuvres.
Congragulation to our artists who found takers for their art works.
Sold painting
Félicitations à nos artistes qui ont trouvé preneur pour leurs œuvres.
Congragulation to our artists who found takers for their art works.